Friday, November 13, 2015

WTH: Aladdin, AKA oops, forgot you were dead

I apologize for being absent for so long, I am a procrastinator by nature, anyway...

WTH: Aladdin, A.K.A. Oops, forgot you were dead

Ok, so does anyone else see this plot hole?
So Jasmine sneaks out, dresses like a beggar, and falls for a street rat while breaking the law.
After which she is returned to the palace and Aladdin is arrested. Not wanting to see the guy she likes, might possibly love, imprissoned for no reason she confronts Jafar to have him released. 
Jafar tells her Aladdin is dead.
She believes him,

Here's where the plot hole comes in. After meeting Prince Ali, she begins to suspect he is Aladdin, and eventually confronts him, accuseing him of lying to her about being, well, himself.
See the hole yet?

Not once does Jasmine question the fact that he is alive, even when he confirms that he did meet her in the market place (dont even get me started on how flimsey that lie is).
Seriously Jasmine? 
You spent a period in mourning over this guys death, threatened the job stability of, essentially, his killer, and even got your father in on the action, then the guy shows up alive and it's like 'Meh, you're alive. So what? Why did you not tell me you were the filthy, homeless, poor kid I met the other day?'
Are you serious!?

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