Monday, October 6, 2014

Prince Adam syndrome

I shall apologize now for the sheer amount of Disney related posts I shall inevitably write..

Ok, now for the real reason for this post...  how many times have you meet a character at the beginning of a film/ tv series, they're really cool, they got cool powers that they really don't want, and it turns out one of the show's major story arcs is them trying to get rid of said powers. You love them, you root for them, but when it comes time for them to return to "normal" you get this...
YIKES! I mean just look at that shnoz! That actually made me hide during this scene when I was little. Come on Disney, he's supposed to be a prince, please try to make him look less beastly as a human! Honestly I was never a fan of Prince Adam, I always thought the Beast was so much cooler than him, in fact I almost always prefer the cursed character over their original form, and it's this feeling that I'm here to discuss.

Prince Adam Syndrome

This is not to be confused with preferring an alter ego, or an alternate personality, or the villain/hero form of a character, this solely refers to the preference of a characters other form, usually brought on by a curse, deal, genetic issue, or scientific accident, which is, or can be, at some point removed. Vampires and werewolves can sometimes fall under this, but generally they are kept more in their own realm of the paranormal. characters who cause this syndrome generally do not look upon their condition with favor and often seek it's removal, viewing themselves as dangerous monsters. BUT their fans often desire the opposite, because, come on, THEY ARE SO COOL!

 These type of characters tend to crop up a lot in super hero stories and Disney films, their stories are really compelling and most of the time writers are trying to get you really involved with the inner demons the character is fighting, that they can't really keep down. some popular examples?

 These guys are just awesome, and their boss modes? Awesome! their human forms? meh. could you turn them back now? Please? I'm surprised Belle didn't say that when she saw prince Adam for the first time, tough she did give this look to the camera...
We're with you Belle, sss, oh Disney, why Disney why?
why from this?
Seriously why? Animators/directors need to realize that getting us this invested in a character means we are less likely to appreciate them going from super powerful awesomeness to...
Now remember this does not apply to all cursed characters, just some, because that is a discussion for another day, and not all cursed characters make you want to keep them that way, ahem...
 But, there will always be those we love for being the monsters that they are and wouldn't change back for anything, not 1000 'handsome?' princes.

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