Thursday, August 24, 2017

WTH: Milo Thatch's Tattoo and Moving Day, as in this Blog is moving-ish

First things first, I really suck at updating this blog, and I apologize for that.
Second, because of this I am moving to my Tumblr: If you want slightly more regular(slightly mind you), but definitely shorter posts, I'll be doing that there. I am not taking down this Blog, and Large Rants may still end up here, but I'm mostly moving. So yeah.

Any way. Anyone watched Disney's Atlantis: Lost Empire? Go watch it. It's good. If you have watched it, did you notice that Milo gets a Tattoo?
Yeah. Nerd-guy is there for less than a month and gets a pretty sizable tattoo. And you know what I find cool? It stays Cannon. This thing appears again in the Direct-to-video sequel Milo's Return.
Heck, he even has it in the actual Movie merchandise.
That is what I call dedication to character/animation. Don't just write/draw something in and not follow through. Tattoo's don't magically disappear. Good Job Disney on following through!