Thursday, August 24, 2017

WTH: Milo Thatch's Tattoo and Moving Day, as in this Blog is moving-ish

First things first, I really suck at updating this blog, and I apologize for that.
Second, because of this I am moving to my Tumblr: If you want slightly more regular(slightly mind you), but definitely shorter posts, I'll be doing that there. I am not taking down this Blog, and Large Rants may still end up here, but I'm mostly moving. So yeah.

Any way. Anyone watched Disney's Atlantis: Lost Empire? Go watch it. It's good. If you have watched it, did you notice that Milo gets a Tattoo?
Yeah. Nerd-guy is there for less than a month and gets a pretty sizable tattoo. And you know what I find cool? It stays Cannon. This thing appears again in the Direct-to-video sequel Milo's Return.
Heck, he even has it in the actual Movie merchandise.
That is what I call dedication to character/animation. Don't just write/draw something in and not follow through. Tattoo's don't magically disappear. Good Job Disney on following through!

Saturday, February 11, 2017

WTH: Valentines special: Schroeder is awesome! ...and Owl is right? ...ish?

TA DA! Happy Valentines day Everyone! And to commemorate, I give you Schroeder's (Charlie Brown) Greatest Rant EVER! and Owl, from Winnie the Pooh, totally not explaining how love works.
So Shroder first. In the long line of Peanuts films that have passed over the years it is well known that Charlie Brown never has that many friends outside of Linus, but I would like to make it clear once and for all that Schroeder is a good Bro.

Seriously, Schroeder Gets justifiably angry at the girls for trying to give Charlie Brown a second hand valentine (his own sister included, I might add)
He then proceeds to go on this absolutely amazing rant...

Seriously, Schroeder's an awesome friend.

And now for something completely different,
Possibly the most accurate yet vague description of the differences between boys and girls when it comes to romance ever.
Winnie the Pooh has a couple Valentines specials, but I feel like this one should be remembered if only for Owl's explaining the differences between boys and girls...
Or, that is his attempt at explaining...
That explains... well... actually everything... ish...