Monday, August 22, 2016

Steven Universe: Pink Diamond theory. Everyone on the band-wagon!

Alright, like the title says I'm getting on the fan theory band-wagon here, and the fandom of choice...
Okay so if you haven't seen Steven Universe, then why are you reading this? Go watch it. If you have  been watching, then you should know about the Diamonds
And if you know about the Diamonds, then you know about the overall mystery concerning Pink Diamond (Considering that is probably why you are here). 
Thousands of people have submitted their theories concerning this diamond, her personality, her real identity, and her death, most of which involve her being Rose Quartz secretly. This was proven untrue of course, but still theories persist, aided by some in cannon information released this summer. And now, I'm climbing on the theory train and giving you my theory concerning this gem.
And so, here it is!

Pink Diamond Theory: Potina edition

I will admit I've had this theory for a while, but it was only recently that I could put some pieces together.
First off, I don't believe Rose shattered Pick Diamond.
It was the other Diamonds.
In the cartoon it is revealed that Pink Diamond was in-charge of the earth colony, and supposedly Rose was forced to shatter her to stop earth's destruction, starting the crystal gems in the process. The thing is, none of the other gems can admit to actually seeing her do it. Garnet says she did it, but Garnet wasn't even formed then. So here's where my theory kicks in.
In the murals on the moon base the Diamonds are shown with their then current colony under their jurisdiction. If you notice, Pink diamond only has one, meaning the Earth was her first colony.
It being her first colony, she wasn't expecting the earth's native species and diversity of life, and in a similar fashion to rose, who was one of her closest guards she ended up caring about them. She wanted to stop the colony, but the other Diamonds wouldn't have let her, so she had Rose start building a rebellion. However, the other diamonds found out and decided to put a stop to both the rebellion and the rebellious Diamond. They decided to shatter her, and set it up in such a way that those watching believed Rose had done it, effectively turning any Pink Diamond loyalists to their side instead of Rose's.
They gathered the shattered pieces and bubbled them so Rose couldn't heal her, hiding them in the moon base.
Rose, however, managed to retain some of the pieces of her Diamond, which she later used to battle white diamond.
Rose gathered her following and was forced to let people believe she had shattered her Diamond, but made it quite clear that she did not believe in shattering other gems, eventually climaxing in her poofing and hiding away Bismuth, one of her closest friends, to keep her from doing it.
And later she used the shard on one of her lions, 
To grant Steven's Lion his powers, such as the teleportation roars.
A power that might be reserved for the Diamonds, as their moon base didn't have a warp pad and yet they were able to access it easily, and Lion knows where it is.
So yeah, there's my theory, and here's a little side note:
From Steven Universe Wiki: Pink diamonds represent love, creativity, and romance
There it is, hope you enjoyed, and hope I'm proven right. See you later!
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