Saturday, June 20, 2015

WTH: National Treasure

I can't be the only one who's noticed this. So if you've seen the National Treasure movie you would remember the scene where you watch Ben and Riley preparing to steal the Declaration of Independence. They have this whole elaborate plot to make the document accessable by getting it moved to the preservation room instead of the high security vault that is technically impossible to break in to. Well at the same time this rival treasure hunter guy is also plotting to steal it. Pretty sound so far right? well when Ben is in the preservation room unbolting the Declaration display case the bad guys show up and start shooting at him.
Have you spotted the problem yet?
These guys show up at the preservation room to steal the Declaration, only no one knew that it had been moved there, Riley and Ben had only gotten it moved that afternoon, so how did those guys know where to go? Since they obviously couldn't have known the Declaration was moved then their plan must have been to storm the vault, something they would have needed more than just the small explosives they were carrying to accomplish, and how did they plan to escape hmm?
This plot hole is big enough to drive their escape van through, not to mention that for some reason, even though the bad guys only ever have like 25% or less of a clue Ben and his group can barely stay one step ahead. Yeah, the British must not have been very bright if they couldn't find the treasure, just saying.

Friday, June 12, 2015

IT"S ALL OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's over, it's all over. HOLY CRAP IT'S OVER!!!!!! PHINEAS AND FERB IS OVER!!!!!!!!! why? WHY!?!?!?!?!?

The very LAST Phineas and Ferb episode premiered about an hour ago from when I'm typing this. It came, it saw, IT CONCURRED!!! I am not going to spoil the whole thing, but I will say it ends with Phineas waving good-bye to the audience before closing the door. IT WAS THE MOST PERFECT BEAUTIFUL ENDING FOR THIS SHOW EVER!!!!!!!!

And now that it's over I don't know what to do with myself. I mean it was possibly one of the most freaking fantastic shows Disney has ever produced. They were a mixed family, but they never brought up the 'other' significant others, the kids never had problems with their parents being remarried. The boys weren't annoying little brothers (at least never on purpose), they loved their sister, their parents, their friends, and they loved them back. They never purposely broke the rules, and if something was dangerous they used all the correct safety procedures. They had such in depth characters too, and their relationships:

Candace embodied every single teenage neuroses ever and helped us to realize just how stupid and pointless they all were.

Bufford and Baljiet had a frenemy relationship that could rival Doof and Perry, and showed us that being friends with someone didn't mean they have to like the same things, or have a similar personality, and that who we appear to be originally is not who we have to be for real.
Isabella, proof that girls can be put in, and navigate out of, the friendzone, and can be completely BA without being any less of a girl.

And Stacey, Stacey's character development came out of nowhere, she was one of the most constant spectators and gave us such a wonderful view of how a 'normal' person would respond to all this craziness,
Linda and Lawrence showed kids, and more specificly parents that being a in a relationshim didn't mean there needed to be fighting, or threatening, or turbulence. It didn't need cheating, and any problems could be solved by just talking and actually trying to work things out.

Doof and Perry, evry hardship ever faced in adult life, every relationship struggle, every possible error in family life, friends, society, all rolled up into one duo, who then proceed to work it all out. Doof shows us a mirror in which we see our pettyness, our greed, our struggle to be on top reflected back in all it's ridiculus glory. We see how our selfish struggle is doomed to failure, but if we look around there are people there willing to help us, who care about us, and that we are never truely at the bottom of the heap if we have them. They showed all the adults that watched this show that, yes, life can be hard, but we don't have to give up or give in, we can push through and become better people. We need to stand tall in our values, and not let ourselves get thrown in the dust. We don't have to let our past define us, because we make new experiences every day. Hate doesn't have to be hate, and love can be found anywhere, we can form a new destiny, if we only try.
And Phineas and Ferb... oh where do I begin?
"The only thing that's impossible is impossability." We can become, we can do anything we dream up, we can make every day the best day ever, we can stand up in  the face of a challenge and say 'ok, let's fix this.' LEt's do something for someone because we love them, let's try to include everyone, regardless of race, sex, or creed. Let's live every day like it can be the BEST DAY EVER. If we can dream it we can do it, and all without having to break the rules or hurt somebody. We can care about everybody, and try to leave our mark on history. We can Carpe Diem, and "keep moving forward".
So Phineas...

And Ferb...

We will always love you and always miss you. You have made our lives a little brighter, and we thank you. And so as I depart I will leave you with this.