Friday, November 28, 2014

WTH: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving

Wow 50 views, I'm impressed. Thank you guys so much for putting up with my rather sporadic posting, it means so much to me.

And so, in commemoration of this blog's 50 views, and the wonderful holiday we just celebrated, I will be starting my one shot series, also known as my WTH series (What The Heck series). These are those random moments that aren't big enough for discussion, but still need to be pointed out in my opinion. They might be elaborated on later, but until then they are just for your mild enjoyment.

So without further ado:
WTH: A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Why the Heck does Charlie brown have so many toasters just sitting around his house?

Why on earth are there three kids and a dog crammed together on one side of the table, and one ethnic side-character all alone on the other?

And does anyone else realize that Woodstock is basically performing cannibalism here?
That's it, hope you enjoyed.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Disney Un-hooked

I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while, I've been off doing super secret things I can't tell you about because then they would have to kill me. So Sorry.

Any way, back to today's post.
So you know how Tinkerbell is like the unofficial Disney mascot, besides Mickey Mouse of course.

And everyone remembers peter pan as both a fun movie, and a fun character. Then there's all the lost boys, and the Darling children, but no one really cares about them.
But there's one more character that often becomes forgotten in the wake of the sparkly faries, fun adventure songs, and the obviously ignored romance between two twelve year olds who both look like they're in pajamas. and that character would be...
Captain James Hook of the Jolly Roger
Most people forget Hook as a villain, and tend more to view him as a, in his own words "Blathering Idiot." Even Disney seems to be doing this, I mean have you ever seen Jake and the Neverland pirates? Everytime hook comes on screen I want to beat myself with a stick. He'd cowardly, short sighted, obsessed with treasure, generally dumber than a post, and he keeps losing to children, eight to ten year old children! And you know how they manage to beat him? With sharing, and love, and all that mushy crap we see in kids shows. Plus he looks like this,
Seriously?! Seriously!?, you go from this
to this?
No wonder everyone starts to pray the crocodile finally gets him, they all see him as a complete moron.
The dear Captain can actually be found pretty high on the villain scale in terms of evil. His overview actually consists of, and I quote.
"Captain James Hook is a fictional character and the main antagonist of J. M. Barrie’s play Peter Pan; or, the Boy Who Wouldn’t Grow Up and its various adaptations. The character is a villainous pirate captain of the Jolly Roger brig, and lord of the pirate village/harbour in Neverland, where he is widely feared. Most importantly, he is the archenemy of Peter Pan. It is said that Hook was “Blackbeard’s boatswain, and that he was the only man Long John Silver ever feared.” His only two fears are the sight of his own blood (which is supposedly an unnatural colour) and one fateful crocodile."
YES he did work for Blackbeard, and if you don't know who long john silver is, well that's just insulting. But despite this everyone forgets just how much of an Awsome villain Hook was. He really can be terrifying. I mean he's only on screen for a few seconds before he's already threatening to torture the Indian princess, kills a guy, and starts firing cannon balls at four children, intending to literally blow them out of the sky.

After that he captures and attempts to drown Tigerlilly, captures and tricks Tinkerbell, gives a bomb to peter, A BOMB, entices children to become murderous pirates, intends to drown Wendy, and run peter through with a sword. 
Think that's bad? Well in the play/book he attempts to poison the lost boys not once, but twice, and the bomb from the movie is replaced with poison. He wants Pan to suffer, all because peter thought it was funny to chop off his hand. Not so funny now is it Peter? Yeah I thought not. But not only is he decidedly evil, but he's also suave and highly sophisticated. He is a man of his word, when promising not to lay a single finger on Peter he actually keeps his word, he gives Peter a bomb instead. Hey he didn't lie. He never goes back on his word, and when he's committing villainy he does so with a certain charisma and style. He's also a ladies man, I mean he completely cons Tinkerbell into telling him everything he wants to know. Every single time he interacts with one of the female characters he is incredibly polite, in a threatening you could die any second kind of way. All that is enough to make even Maleficent turn her head.
So come on Disney, stop tearing Hook down and give us our awesome villain back, I bet the Croc will be happy if you do.